Max Pooling vs. Average Pooling: Which is Better for Neural Networks?

Mr Azim


Pooling is a key operation in neural networks, specifically in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Pooling reduces the spatial size of the input representation, which leads to faster computation, less memory usage, and better generalization. Pooling can be done in different ways, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will explore the different types of pooling, their uses, and their implementation in neural networks.

Types of Pooling:

1. Max Pooling:

Max Pooling is the most common type of pooling used in neural networks. Max Pooling extracts the maximum value in each local region of the input feature map. Max Pooling is used to reduce the spatial size of the input feature map while keeping the most relevant information. Max Pooling is also used for its invariance to small translations in the input image.

2. Average Pooling:

Average Pooling takes the average of each local region of the input feature map. Average Pooling is less commonly used than Max Pooling. Average Pooling is used when we want to reduce the spatial size of the input feature map, but we don't want to lose too much information.

3. Global Pooling:

Global Pooling takes the average or maximum of the entire feature map. Global Pooling is used when we want to reduce the spatial size of the input feature map to a single value. Global Pooling is commonly used in the last layer of the neural network to output a single value that represents the class probabilities.

4. Lp Pooling:

Lp Pooling is a generalization of Max Pooling and Average Pooling. Lp Pooling takes the Lp norm of each local region of the input feature map. When p=1, L1 Pooling is equivalent to Average Pooling. When p=2, L2 Pooling is equivalent to Max Pooling.

Uses of Pooling:

1. Reducing Spatial Size:

Pooling is used to reduce the spatial size of the input feature map. This leads to faster computation and less memory usage in the neural network.

2. Invariance to Small Translations:

Max Pooling is used for its invariance to small translations in the input image. This means that the neural network can recognize the same object even if it is slightly shifted in the input image.

3. Better Generalization:

Pooling is used for better generalization in the neural network. By reducing the spatial size of the input feature map, the neural network can focus on the most relevant information and ignore the irrelevant information.

4. Feature Extraction:

Pooling is used for feature extraction in the neural network. By reducing the spatial size of the input feature map, the neural network can extract the most important features from the input image.

Implementation of Pooling:

Pooling can be implemented in different ways, such as using numpy, TensorFlow, or PyTorch. Here is an example implementation of Max Pooling using TensorFlow:

import tensorflow as tf

from tensorflow.keras.layers import MaxPooling2D

input = tf.keras.Input(shape=(28, 28, 1))

x = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))(input)

model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=input, outputs=x)

In this example, we define an input layer with a shape of (28, 28, 1). We then apply Max Pooling with a pool size of (2, 2) to the input layer. Finally, we define a model with the input layer and the output layer.


Pooling is a key operation in neural networks, specifically in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Pooling reduces the spatial size of the input representation, which leads to faster computation, less memory usage, and better generalization. Pooling can be done in different

ways, such as Max Pooling, Average Pooling, Global Pooling, and Lp Pooling. Each type of pooling has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of pooling type depends on the specific task at hand. Pooling is used for reducing spatial size, invariance to small translations, better generalization, and feature extraction. Pooling can be implemented using various deep learning frameworks, such as TensorFlow and PyTorch.

In summary, pooling is a fundamental operation in CNNs that plays a crucial role in reducing the spatial size of input feature maps while keeping the most relevant information. It has several uses in neural networks, such as feature extraction, invariance to small translations, and better generalization. The choice of pooling type depends on the specific task at hand, and it can be implemented using different deep learning frameworks. Understanding pooling is essential for anyone working in the field of deep learning and computer vision.


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